What we do


Development Advice is the critical first step we recommend clients obtain before purchasing land or deciding on a particular form of development for a given site.

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The New South Wales Statutory Planning system is a particularly complicated and ever evolving myriad of state legislation and Councils’ planning instruments. GSA Planning has extensive experience working with these documents.

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GSA Planning offers a range of different of project management options clients to assist in the often complex and unique nature of the development process.

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GSA Planning has qualified planners, urban designers, architect and traffic engineers, covering a number of disciplines for the preparation of masterplans for major sites.

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GSA Planning offers a full range of strategic planning services. Frequently, developers with major sites will prepare a strategy or concept plan for proposed development and test the water with council prior to formalising the Development Application.

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Our Managing Director, George Karavanas, is our most qualified planner and has extensive experience providing expert evidence in the Land and Environment Court.

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The GSA Planning team includes qualified and experienced town planners, urban designers, architects, traffic engineers, administrative and accounts staff, and we enjoy a good working relationship with our peers, Council officers and other practitioners, both locally and regionally. GSA Planning has undertaken a considerable amount of work in Local Government areas across NSW.