Dedicated & Experienced

GSA Planning was established in Sydney in 1988 and on the Gold Coast in 1992 as an Urban and Traffic Planning Consultancy. Since that time, our services have been expanded to meet clients’ needs and we now offer a “one-stop” consultancy for a wide range of expertise.

What we do

Our services include Urban Planning; Masterplanning; Traffic Planning; Environmental Planning; Design and Development Advice; Advice on State and Local planning policies, including zoning, development potential and compliance with planning controls; Planning Agreements; Project Management; Negotiation and Mediation; and Representation in the Land and Environment Court, and NSW Civil Administrative Tribunal.

The GSA Planning team includes qualified and experienced town planners, urban designers, architects, traffic engineers, administrative and accounts staff, and we enjoy a good working relationship with our peers, Council officers and other practitioners, both locally and regionally. GSA Planning has undertaken a considerable amount of work in Local Government areas across NSW.

Ben Buckler Approval

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